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Pitt Goes Part-Time


By: Jillian Hough

Associate Professor of Business, Max Pitt, has recently decided to become part-time in the fall. But can he truly ever be “part time”?

Growing up as a farmer’s

in Western Iowa, Pitt had been encouraged to not go to college, but if he did it should be to Iowa State. However, his plans changed when future lifelong partner of 38 years, Cindy, applied to Graceland. He considered going to Graceland for a year or two and then transferring to Iowa State, but the influential faculty, such as Frank Hough, and his wife encouraged him to stay all four years.

After graduating in 1986, Max and Cindy moved to South Texas to begin their lives. Pitt worked in the banking industry while working on his Master’s in Business Administration. He and his wife soon raised three elementary-aged boys: Ethan, Ryan, and Dylan.

People often asked Pitt why he was earning his master’s when it wouldn’t have an impact on his banking career. He would respond, “Someday, I’d like to teach at this little school up in Iowa called Graceland”. That time came sooner than he thought.

In 1999, Pitt started working in the administration building, began teaching business and accounting classes in 2004, and was then a major player in the creation of the Agricultural Business major in 2010. After having a full schedule of classes for years, Pitt is excited at the flexibility and creativity that becoming part time allows him. “It allows me to stay focused on areas where I can add value and do some unique things,” he shares.

Pitt’s decision to become part time also allows him to expand on his involvement in the Agricultural Business Club and the Community Development Club. The Ag Club is one of the most consistent clubs on campus, having a leadership meeting each Tuesday, and a club meeting each Thursday. Ag Club president Cydney Stables says, “Max goes above and beyond to make sure every member of the Ag club gets the most out of their time [here]. He is passionate about agriculture and finds joy in seeing us succeed as leaders, influencers, and change-makers in the agricultural world.”

Pitt has also had a large influence on the Community Development Club. The club looks at how to improve and become more involved in both local and global communities. The club has been responsible for a number of projects around Lamoni and on campus. The club also went to Guatemala over spring break to experience a global example of community development. Pitt says, “I’m already having thoughts and making plans of what the spring of ‘24 will look like,” regarding the next global educational experience.

When asked about his favorite part of the job, he responds “I get excited about student potential and I believe our opportunity for our world to be a better place is in [our students].” Although he considers himself an introvert, he finds passion in one-on-one student interaction and watching them grow into successful, well-rounded adults. Besides his flexibility at Graceland, Pitt also looks forward spending more time with his wife, sons, and his six-month-old granddaughter named after him, Maxie.



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