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Coming up soon! Getting More Out of Your Pictures: Photography Workshop

Join artist Chris Wright Evans for his workshop “Getting more out of your pictures: exploiting the fundamentals for your creative gain,” on Wednesday October 12th, 11:00am-12:30pm in the FM Smith Library. This workshop is open to everyone.

During the workshop you will learn and be reminded of the basics of photography including the exposure triangle, shutter speeds, and apertures, and how these elements have been used creatively to make some iconic images. The workshop will include hands-on demonstrations where these techniques will be able to be practiced in real time. There will be some cameras available for use, but if you own a camera with manual controls please bring it as well.

Chris Wright Evans's photography exhibit, Country Mile, will be on view in the Constance Gallery between October 13, 2022 - January 15, 2023

More information about the artist can be found at:



(641) 455-1367

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